Monday, August 31, 2015

Lab Report 1 - Galileo's Dilemma

Students will submit their lab reports to me via google docs.

Please make a google account, and make a single google doc and share it with me.  All of your labs will go one this single document.  Please give me the ability to edit it so that I can add comments and insert my scoring rubrics.

Please use the naming format - lastname.firstname.physicsperiod____

Use my normal email to share it.

Here is the link to the questions for the first lab.

Galileo's Dilemma

It will probably be easiest if you copy the text from this document into your new lab file and then answer the questions in a different font or color.

Let me know if you have questions.  The lab is due by class time on Wed. Sept. 9, or Thurs. Sept. 10.