Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Unit 4: More topics in Forces

This unit focus on various additional topics in forces including inclined planes, adding forces in two dimensions, friction, circular motion, and Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation.  

• Be able to add forces in two dimensions.
• Determine the normal force, and the parallel and perpendicular components of gravity for inclined plane problems and solve for acceleration.

• Calculate the frictional force when given the coefficient of friction and vice versa.• State and apply equations for centripetal acceleration and force.

• Distinguish between the centripetal force and the fictitious centrifugal force.
• Analyze examples of circular motion in terms of Newton's three laws of motion.

• Solve problems with Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation.

Important Dates
Friction Lab : due Friday Dec. 12
Homework: Nov. 24 and Dec. 15, both at 10:00 pm
Unit Test: Dec. 18 and 19

This unit corresponds to parts of chapters 6, 7 and 8 in the book.